Revealr AI Identifies Anonymous Web Users

Get detailed contact information for the people engaging online with your industry 

Revealr AI Identifies Web Users with High Intent to Buy

Discover those people showing the highest intent to buy on your site or your competitors.

Revealr AI Serves Up Contact Information You Can Actually Use

This ground-breaking AI software tool identifies users by their high intent web behaviors and matches that with real names, emails, demographics, company information, and actionable contact data.

Your Best Sales Leads
Are on The Web Right Now

Your potential customers are on your website AND your competitors.

But you don’t know who they are, what they viewed, or why they left. And, you don’t know where they’re going.



What does Revealr AI do?

Step 1. Our AI software identifies people showing high intent signals with specific Internet behaviors. [ex: looking for software, automobile brands, retail products, personal services, professional services, etc]

Step 2. We filter those real people for our clients’ ideal customer profiles [ex: job title, position, industry, company size, location, etc] 

Step 3. We match that data with their detailed contact information [name, email, company name, company phone and address, website, LinkedIn profile, Facebook profile, and much more]

You’re Losing Visitors. You’re Losing Money.


Web traffic that doesn't make a purchase or fill out a form.


Web traffic that abandons you to engage with a competitor

Business loses $4.6T from people who get distracted
and move on to another website

Find Out Who’s Roaming Your Own Website

Companies with budgets of all sizes can use Revealr AI to target their best prospects and convert them to sales.

We can query the users on your company’s website and match that data with real individuals. Find out who’s looking at what you offer!

See Who’s Visiting Your Competitor’s Website


RevealrAI Competitor Web Tracking Tool identifies users engaging online with brands in your industry or showing signals of purchasing intent.

We filter the data for your ideal customer profile – job titles, industry, and size of company, delivering detailed contact information like you see below.

The highest intent users are people filling out “get a free trial” or “free demo”.

Example Report from Competitor Web Tracking

Example Report with Identifying Contact Information

How Does Revealr AI Work?


Revealr AI Web Tracking Software

We use newly created AI software to run queries within a U.S. Internet Data Cooperative that are specific to our client’s requests. Resulting segments include people showing active web behavior and signals matched to their personal and corporate identities.

Query requests include engaging with specific websites or pages, and types of products, industries, or purchase intent.

Those segments are filtered for a company’s ideal client profile (ICP) to deliver an enriched list of contacts that are unparalleled in the world of lead-gen platforms.

Companies using Revealr AI Competitor Web Tracking can request this high intent search behavior for any time period, including last 30, 60, or 90 days.

Next Level Marketing Campaigns

Revealr AI helps both B2B and B2C organizations harness the power of web identity resolution to grow prospect lists 10X faster and convert web users into new customers.


Direct Mail


Social Media

How to Use Revealr Data to Improve sales


  1. Import your Revealr AI list into your own CRM system to re-engage your clients with email and SMS cross sell campaigns.
  2. Use your CRM tool to run abandon-site campaigns on those who don’t fill out a form or make a purchase.
  3. Assign sales teams these hot leads for automated marketing or cold calling for appointments.


  1. Upload your Revealr AI data into Meta and LinkedIn ads to create new custom acquisition campaigns and look-alike audiences.
  2. Use Google and LinkedIn display ads for retargeting best prospects


  1. Import your Revealr AI lists into automated email marketing campaigns.
  2. Deploy cold direct mail drip campaigns for B2C and B2B consumers.
  3. Segment and filter prospects for high impact targeted email campaigns with custom messaging.

(These are considered cold emails and require compliant cold email marketing techniques)


Use this data with other info gathering services to append contact information with phone or mailing address. 

Revealr AI is Modern Marketing at the Forefront of Qualified Lead Generation 

“Generative AI can help smaller companies compete on a significantly
larger scale.”

Forbes Business Article, April 16, 2024

“Today’s CEO must be on the decision-making frontline when it comes to implementing Generative AI for business success.”

Deloitte Global CEO Program Report,
March 2024

“Generative AI can help small companies level the playing field.”

Harvard Business Review, February 1, 2024

With Revealr AI Your Website is Finally Working for You