Improve Sales Conversions with highly targeted lead generation

Active Website Users
are Your Best Prospects for Sales

Elevate Your Lead Generation to a Whole New Level

Revealr AI Website Tracking moves your company way beyond web analytics and cookie retargeting to gain a comprehensive understanding of your customers by identifying exactly who they are.

With your detailed web user profile, you can feed your marketing outreach programs with dozens of variable from first party, opt-in contacts that deliver your best chance for converting sales.

With Revealr AI Competitor Website Tracking, you’ll grab prospects that you’ve never engaged with, but are active with your competitors.

Create targeted, relevant messaging to a host of new prospects, generating fresh engagement from people most likely to be high intent leads.

Discover Who’s Searching for Your Information

B2C Consumer Audiences

Identify new website visitors who have never purchased from you. Personal attributes include contact name, personal email, and demographic information (gender, age, income, address) for advanced segmentation.

B2B Business Audiences

Identify business information and company attributes like contact name, business email, job title, company name, company revenue and headcount, industry, physical locations, and more.

Repeat Audiences

With this first party data, view historical customers coming back again. Understand user preferences on your site, products, pages, collections and upsell opportunities.

Marketing Outreach with Segmentation and Precision

Revealr AI helps you up-level your marketing programs for an immediate increase in conversions.

Any company of any size can use these contacts for general email and updating customer lists. Most B2B or B2C companies have automated marketing campaigns for retargeting, which can be enhanced by adding web visitors.

We can filter leads by industry sector and job title, for advanced targeting and segmentation. Examples: education, healthcare, software technology, real estate, etc. Job Titles; CEO, CIO, IT, Marketing, Education Principle, Teacher, Physician, CPA, etc.

Your in-house marketing team or agency can import Revealr AI data into CRM systems to vastly improve campaign results. 


There are unlimited applications for marketing outreach to improve lead generation and conversions

  • Get demographics on high intent individuals for segmentation
  • See individual’s web browsing behavior for customized content messaging through email, or digital advertising
  • Use account-based marketing tactics with these B2B attributes
  • Create upsell and cross-sell campaigns to bring back lost customers
  • Upload contact data into your digital marketing programs for retargeting and look-alike audiences
  • Send data directly to your sales teams for outreach programs

Example Campaign Case Study

Campaign Objective:

Company A leveraged Google Ads as the primary driver of traffic to their site, using a number of strategies to target by territory and services. The objective was to grow and further validate their Marketing Qualified Leads.


Using the Revealr AI data, Company A was able to see individuals hit the website from their paid search campaigns. They expanded their marketing efforts by introducing B2B email campaigns to those resolved in the data file. Within one week, they received 5 direct responses interested to know more about the company’s services.

With Revealr AI Your Website is Finally Working for You